What to Do if Dog Chases You?

What to Do if Dog Chases You

Encountering an aggressive dog can be a frightening experience, and knowing how to react in such a situation can mean the difference between a safe outcome and a potentially dangerous one. In this guide, we will explore practical steps to take if you find yourself being chased by a dog. Whether you’re an avid runner, a casual walker, or simply someone concerned about safety, these tips will equip you with the knowledge to handle such a scenario effectively. This content is presented by Snapbuzzz.com.

Assessing the Situation

Stay Calm and Avoid Panic

If you suddenly find yourself being pursued by a dog, it’s essential to remain as calm as possible. Dogs are sensitive to human emotions, and panic can escalate the situation. Slow down your breathing and avoid making sudden movements.

Evaluate the Dog’s Behavior

Not all dogs that approach you are aggressive. Before assuming the worst, observe the dog’s body language. If the dog’s tail is wagging, ears are relaxed, and it appears curious rather than confrontational, there’s a chance it might just be playful. However, if the dog’s body is tense, tail is raised, and it’s baring its teeth, it’s a sign of aggression. Discover how to keep hunting dogs off your property.

Taking Action

Stop and Stand Still

If you notice the dog exhibiting aggressive behavior, the first instinct might be to run. However, this can trigger the dog’s prey drive and escalate the situation. Instead, come to a halt and stand as still as possible. Avoid direct eye contact, as dogs might interpret this as a challenge.

Use Verbal Commands

In a firm and authoritative voice, use commands like “No” and “Sit.” Dogs trained to respond to basic commands might pause and reassess the situation. Avoid screaming or yelling, as this can agitate the dog further.

Create a Barrier

If the dog continues to approach you, try to put an object between yourself and the dog. A bicycle, backpack, or even a large branch can act as a barrier, giving you a chance to create distance.

Protecting Yourself

Protect Your Hands and Face

If the dog becomes aggressive and lunges towards you, protect your hands and face. Use your non-dominant arm to shield your face and neck while keeping your dominant hand ready to fend off any potential bites. You may like to read: What You Need to Know About Dog Vitamin Powder

Back Away Slowly

Maintain eye contact with the dog while slowly backing away. Avoid turning your back on the dog abruptly, as this can trigger its chase instinct.

Use Your Jacket or Bag

If you have a jacket, bag, or any other item, consider using it as a shield. Swing it gently to create a physical barrier between you and the dog. This can potentially deter the dog from advancing further.

Seeking HelpWhat to Do if Dog Chases You

Find Higher Ground

Climbing onto a bench, a wall, or any elevated surface can help create distance between you and the dog. Many dogs are less likely to jump or climb after you.

Call for Assistance

If the situation escalates and you feel threatened, shout for help. Often, bystanders or homeowners nearby will respond to assist you.

Reporting the Incident

After the encounter, even if you’ve managed to get away from the dog safely, it’s crucial to report the incident. Contact local animal control or your local non-emergency police line to provide a description of the dog and its behavior.

Preventive Measures

Avoid Eye Contact with Stray Dogs

Stray dogs can perceive direct eye contact as a challenge. While it’s essential to stay aware of your surroundings, avoid locking eyes with a stray dog to prevent any potential confrontations.

Carry Dog Repellent

Consider carrying a non-lethal dog repellent spray as a precaution. This can be effective in deterring aggressive dogs and providing you with an additional layer of protection.

Stay Attentive

When walking or jogging, remain vigilant. Pay attention to your surroundings and any potential signs of dogs in the area. Being aware of your environment can help you react promptly if you encounter an aggressive dog.


Encounters with aggressive dogs can be unnerving, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can minimize the risks and handle the situation effectively. Remember, staying calm, assessing the dog’s behavior, and taking appropriate actions are key to ensuring your safety. By following these guidelines, you can navigate such scenarios confidently and ensure a positive outcome.

Remember, every dog is unique, and their behavior can vary based on factors such as breed, socialization, and past experiences. While this guide provides general advice, trusting your instincts and prioritizing your safety is paramount in any dog encounter.

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