How to Remove Bad Smells from a Fridge

How to Remove Bad Smells from a Fridge

A refrigerator is an essential appliance in every household. It keeps our food fresh and safe for consumption, but what happens when it starts to emit a bad smell, as fridge smells like dead animal? The importance of keeping your fridge smelling fresh cannot be overstated. Not only does it improve the overall hygiene of your kitchen, but it also ensures that your food stays fresh for a longer period.

Common causes of bad smells in the fridge

Several factors can cause bad smells in the fridge. One of the most common causes is expired or spoiled food. When food goes bad, it emits a pungent smell that can spread throughout the fridge. Additionally, spills and leaks can also lead to bad odors. These spills and leaks can occur when food containers are not properly sealed or when there is a crack in the fridge’s interior components. Bad smells in the fridge can have adverse effects on both your food and health. If left unchecked, these odors can seep into your food and cause it to spoil faster. Consuming spoiled food can lead to food poisoning, which can cause a wide range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Identifying the Source of the Smell

Before attempting to remove bad smells from your fridge, you need to identify the source of the odor. Here are some steps you can take:

Checking for expired or spoiled food

The first step is to check for expired or spoiled food. Look for food that has gone past its expiration date or has started to mold. Any food that has gone bad should be thrown away immediately.

Inspecting for spills or leaks

Next, inspect the fridge for spills or leaks. Check for any food containers that are not properly sealed or have leaked. Look for cracks in the fridge’s interior components, such as the shelves and drawers.

Examining the fridge’s interior components

Finally, examine the fridge’s interior components for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Look for any cracks, scratches, or dents that could be harboring bacteria and causing bad odors.

Cleaning the Fridge

Once you have identified the source of the bad smell, it’s time to clean the fridge. Here are the steps you can take:

Preparing the cleaning materials

Before you start cleaning, prepare your cleaning materials. You will need a bucket, warm water, mild soap or detergent, a sponge or cloth, and a disinfectant.

Removing all food items from the fridge

Next, remove all the food items from the fridge. Throw away any expired or spoiled food and set aside any food that needs to be kept cold.

Cleaning the interior surfaces of the fridge

Use a sponge or cloth and warm water with mild soap or detergent to clean the interior surfaces of the fridge thoroughly. Pay special attention to any spills or stains.

Cleaning the shelves and drawers

Remove the shelves and drawers and clean them separately with warm water and mild soap or detergent. Be sure to clean any cracks or crevices thoroughly.

Cleaning the door gasket and other components

Clean the door gasket and other components with warm water and mild soap or detergent. Use a toothbrush or cloth to clean any hard-to-reach areas.

Disinfecting the fridge

Finally, disinfect the fridge with a disinfectant spray or solution. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Air-drying the fridge

Allow the fridge to air-dry completely before putting the shelves and drawers back in and returning the food items to the fridge.

Natural Remedies for Removing Bad Smells

If you prefer natural remedies, here are some methods you can try:

Using baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent natural deodorizer. Place an open box of baking soda in the fridge, and it will absorb any bad smells.

Placing activated charcoal in the fridge

Activated charcoal is another natural deodorizer that can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Place a few pieces of activated charcoal in a bowl and put it in the fridge. The charcoal will absorb any bad odors.

Storing coffee grounds in the fridge

Coffee grounds are a great natural deodorizer that can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Place a bowl of coffee grounds in the fridge, and it will absorb any bad odors.

Using white vinegar

White vinegar is a powerful natural cleaner that can also help remove bad smells from your fridge. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar and use the solution to clean the interior of the fridge.

Putting a bowl of oats in the fridge

Oats are a great natural deodorizer that can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Place a bowl of oats in the fridge, and it will absorb any bad odors.

Utilizing essential oils

Essential oils such as lemon or tea tree oil are great natural deodorizers that can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of water and place it in the fridge.

Commercial Products for Removing Bad Smells

If natural remedies do not work, there are commercial products that can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Here are some options:

Refrigerator deodorizers

Refrigerator deodorizers are specifically designed to remove bad smells from your fridge. They work by neutralizing bad odors and leaving your fridge smelling fresh.

Odor absorbers

Odor absorbers are designed to absorb bad odors from your fridge. They work by attracting and trapping odor molecules, leaving your fridge smelling fresh.

Fridge air purifiers

Fridge air purifiers are designed to clean and purify the air inside your fridge. They work by using activated carbon filters to trap bad odors and keep your fridge smelling fresh.

Preventing Bad Smells in the Future

Preventing bad smells from occurring in the first place is the best way to keep your fridge smelling fresh. Here are some tips to help prevent bad smells from occurring:

Proper food storage techniques

Proper food storage techniques are crucial for preventing bad smells in your fridge. Make sure to store food in airtight containers and keep them properly sealed.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the fridge

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the fridge are essential for keeping it smelling fresh. Make sure to clean the interior of the fridge regularly and check for any spills or leaks.

Frequent organization of the fridge

Frequent organization of the fridge can help prevent bad smells from occurring. Make sure to rotate your food items regularly and throw away any expired or spoiled food.

Using fridge liners

Using fridge liners can help prevent spills and leaks from causing bad smells in your fridge. They also make cleaning the fridge easier.

Avoiding strong-smelling foods

Finally, avoid storing strong-smelling foods in your fridge. Foods such as onions and garlic can emit strong odors that can linger in your fridge.


Removing bad smells from your fridge is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic kitchen. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can easily identify the source of the bad smell, clean your fridge thoroughly, and prevent bad smells from occurring in the future. By utilizing natural remedies and commercial products, you can ensure that your fridge stays smelling fresh and clean. Remember to always practice proper food storage techniques and regular cleaning and maintenance of your fridge for optimal results.

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