How Do You Unblock a Toilet Full of Tissue

Unblock a Toilet Full of Tissue

Toilets are an essential part of our daily lives. They provide us with a convenient and hygienic way to dispose of human waste. However, toilets can also be a source of frustration when they get blocked. A clogged toilet can disrupt our routine and cause inconvenience, especially if there is excessive tissue present.

So, what do you do when your toilet gets blocked with tissue? In this guide, we will discuss different methods to unblock a toilet full of tissue and keep your bathroom running smoothly.

Why Do Toilets Get Blocked with Tissue?

Toilet blockages are often caused by an excessive amount of tissue. Tissue is designed to dissolve quickly in water, but when too much is flushed down the toilet, it can create a thick mass that clogs the pipes. This is especially common in older toilets with smaller pipes and less powerful flushing mechanisms.

Another reason for toilet blockages is when non-flushable items such as wipes, sanitary products, or cotton pads are flushed down the toilet. These items do not dissolve in water and can easily get stuck in the pipes, causing a blockage. To prevent these types of blockages, always make sure to dispose of non-flushable items in the trash.

What To Do When Your Toilet is Clogged And a Plunger Isn’t Working?

It’s a common, yet pretty heart-dropping sight when you find toilet clogged plunger not working. But don’t panic – there are still a few tricks you can pull out of your sleeve. One method is to use a plumbing snake or auger. This is a flexible coil of wire that can reach deep into your toilet and dislodge the blockage. If you don’t have a plumbing snake, a wire coat hanger can sometimes do the trick. But remember, be gentle so as not to damage your pipes. If these DIY solutions don’t work, it might be time to call in a professional plumber. Blockages can sometimes be stubborn, and a professional has the tools and experience to handle it safely and effectively.

How Do You Unblock a Toilet Full of Tissue?

If your toilet is blocked with tissue, there are several methods you can try to unblock it. Here are five simple and effective ways to get your toilet back to working properly:

How Do You Unblock a Toilet Full of Tissue?

1. Use a Plunger

A plunger is a common tool used to unclog toilets. It uses suction and pressure to dislodge the blockage and allow it to flush down the pipes. To use a plunger, follow these steps:

  • Fill the toilet bowl with enough water to cover the head of the plunger.
  • Place the plunger over the drain hole and push down firmly.
  • Pull up on the plunger to create suction, then push it down again.
  • Repeat this motion several times until you feel the blockage break up and water starts to drain.

2. Use a Toilet Auger

A toilet auger, also known as a plumber’s snake, is a long, flexible tool used to remove clogs from toilets. It has a handle on one end and a coiled wire or plastic tube on the other. To use a toilet auger, follow these steps:

  • Insert the end of the auger into the drain hole.
  • Slowly push it in until you feel resistance.
  • Rotate the handle clockwise to break up the blockage.
  • Pull out the auger and flush the toilet to see if the blockage has been removed.

3. Use Hot Water and Dish Soap

Hot water combined with dish soap can also be an effective method for unblocking a toilet full of tissue. The hot water helps to dissolve the tissue while the dish soap acts as a lubricant, making it easier for the blockage to move through the pipes. Here’s how to use this method:

  • Boil a large pot of water.
  • Add a few squirts of liquid dish soap into the toilet bowl.
  • Slowly pour the hot water into the bowl from waist level.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes, then flush the toilet and see if the blockage has cleared.

4. Create a Vinegar and Baking Soda Mixture

Another household item that can be used to unblock a toilet full of tissue is a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. The chemical reaction between these two ingredients creates a fizzy solution that can help break up the blockage. To use this method, follow these steps:

  • Pour one cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl.
  • Add two cups of white vinegar.
  • Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then flush the toilet.

5. Call a Professional Plumber

If none of the above methods work, it may be time to call in a professional plumber. They have specialized tools and equipment that can effectively remove stubborn blockages without causing damage to your toilet or pipes. It may be a bit more expensive, but it will save you time and hassle in the long run.

How Can You Prevent Toilet Blockages?

How Can You Prevent Toilet Blockages?

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to toilet blockages. Here are some tips to help prevent your toilet from getting clogged with tissue:

  • Use less tissue: The easiest way to prevent toilet blockages is to use less tissue. Only use as much as you need.
  • Flush multiple times: If you have a large amount of tissue, flush the toilet multiple times while using it. This will help prevent a build-up of tissue in the pipes.
  • Use single-ply tissue: Single-ply tissue dissolves more easily and is less likely to cause a blockage.
  • Dispose of non-flushable items properly: As mentioned earlier, do not flush non-flushable items down the toilet. This includes wipes, sanitary products, and cotton pads.


A blocked toilet full of tissue can be a hassle to deal with, but with these methods, you can easily unblock it in no time. Remember to use a plunger or toilet auger, try the hot water and dish soap method, create a vinegar and baking soda mixture, or call a professional plumber if needed. To prevent future blockages, be mindful of how much tissue you use and always dispose of non-flushable items in the trash. By following these tips, your bathroom will stay clog-free.


Can a blocked toilet full of tissue be dangerous?

A blocked toilet can potentially cause damage to your plumbing system and create unsanitary conditions if not addressed promptly.

Can I use a chemical drain cleaner to unblock my toilet?

It is not recommended to use chemical drain cleaners as they can cause damage to your pipes and are harmful to the environment.

Can I use a plunger or auger on a modern, low-flow toilet?

Yes, you can still use these methods on modern toilets. Just be careful not to apply too much force as it could damage the flushing mechanism.

Is there anything I can do to prevent future toilet blockages?

Yes, using less tissue and properly disposing of non-flushable items can help prevent future blockages.

When should I call a professional plumber for a blocked toilet?

If none of the DIY methods work, or if you suspect there may be a larger issue with your plumbing system, it’s best to call a professional plumber for assistance.

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