The Fundamentals of Dancing

The fundamentals of dancing especially for beginner adult dance lessons are essential to learning any dance or sport. Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are necessary for a lifetime of physical activity and enjoyment. Developing a solid FMS foundation gives children the first step toward a healthier, happier life. A good FMS foundation ensures a dancer’s longevity, prevents injuries, and refines movement quality. Technically sound dancers use the fundamentals of the art form to achieve beautiful lines.

Basic positions

In classical dance, the positions of your arms, legs, and feet are essential in dancing. Learning the steps and the movements of your hands and body will help you get the rhythm right. 

Basic movements

Dancers use the movements of their bodies to express their internal world. The language of dance can be abstract or figurative. George Balanchine’s Apollo showcases dancers using individual body parts to make connections between each other, including their arms, legs, and toes. It also shows the fundamentals of non-locomotor movement, including bend, swing, rise, rock, tip, and twist. A variety of basic exercises is essential for learning the dance language.

Basic rhythmic activities

Rhythmic activities have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. People have responded to rhythmic accompaniment through movements, from folk dances and jotas to ballet and Zumba. These movements express emotions and create a sense of rhythm and time. Likewise, dances incorporate rhythm into the expression of feelings and thoughts. 

Staying on balance

When dancing, you need to learn how to stay in balance. Balance is defined as being in a state of stationary equilibrium, making you less likely to fall over because gravity is working against you. Ballet dancers often stand on the toes of one foot to maintain their balance. This is a challenging position to achieve, but it can be done with practice. 


Despite its title, Fundamentals of Ballet is not an entry-level course. Instead, it is designed for adult dancers of all levels. The book stresses proper alignment, leg strength, and flexibility. It also covers concepts that resonate throughout the entire dance career. This makes it an excellent resource for beginning and returning students. Read on to learn more about this class. We offer a free one-class trial for students to learn the basics.

Folk dances

While learning a folk dance, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of the movements involved. Folk dances are spontaneous physical expressions and are not intended to be performed on a stage. Therefore, attempting to formalize a folk dance can make it very exclusive and limited in who can perform it. That said, some folk dances are incredibly effective for achieving weight loss and toning. 

Modern dance

Learning to dance involves a range of physical movements known as locomotor movements. These include running, walking, leaping, crawling, and galloping. Modern dance is characterized by these movements, which combine with the action and the stillness between them. Therefore, modern dancers must learn the fundamentals of each of these movements to create complex, flowing dance movements.

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